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Author Brian Berletic, and editor at The New Atlas, formerly known under his long-running pen name “Tony Cartalucci,” is Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher, writer and special contributor to 21st Century Wire. See more of his previous work at Tony’s archive. Over the last decade, his work has been published on a number of popular news and analysis websites, and also on the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”. You can also follow him at VK here.

Russian Missiles Strike Ukrainian Infrastructure, Ukrainian Missiles Strike Polish Farm

Brian Berletic | Indeed, a terrible irony that Ukraine is responsible for the first strike on NATO ‘territory’ since Russian operations began.

US Send Decades-Old Arms to Kiev, Russia’s ‘De-militarization’ of Ukraine Continues

Brian Berletic | An update on the military and battlefield situation in Ukraine.

US-Funded Media Fails to Produce Evidence of ‘Russian War Crimes’ in Ukraine

Brian Berletic | How the West’s ‘Russian war crimes’ propaganda campaign has fallen flat on its face.

Has Washington Recruited Elon Musk’s SpaceX, Starlink for Iran Regime Change Ops?

Brian Berletic | It’s now clear that communication equipment is being used to execute the stated policy of US plans for regime change in Iran.

Ukrainian Power Outages, the US 101st Airborne, and Russia’s Next Big Move

The New Atlas | An update on Russian operations against Ukraine this week.

Ukraine Targets Elon Musk, US Aid Dwindles, Kiev’s Offensive Depleted

Brian Berletic | This latest story which now pits American billionaire Elon Musk against a desperate Zelensky regime.

VIDEO: Russia Mobilizes, Referendums Underway: What Will Change and Why?

Brian Berletic | The West and Ukraine are having a fit this weekend – here’s why.

INTERVIEW: Brian Berletic on West’s Propaganda Circus in Ukraine

TNT Radio | What’s actually going on in Ukraine – is often the very opposite of what western mainstream media are saying.

INTERVIEW: Brian Berletic – Between the Lines on Ukraine

TNT Radio | What’s behind the Pentagon propaganda, and the media reality gap in Ukraine.

Brian Berletic: ‘Pentagon Prefers Fiction Over Facts’

The New Atlas | US military brass are lying to the public in order to hide an epic Ukrainian and NATO defeat.

Brian Berletic: ‘Anti-China Circles Hijack Shinzo Abe Narrative’

Brian Berletic | By trying to implicate China in this tragedy, it really only benefits the US. 

INTERVIEW: Brian Berletic on Ukraine, Bucha and NATO propaganda

TNT Radio | Discussing the Ukraine conflict and how western governments and their media arms promulgate propaganda, false narratives and actual disinformation in and around war zones.

Ex-Marine Exposes Washington’s Covert Political Meddling in Asia

21WIRE | One of the best pundits exposing Washington’s regime change road show.

US Economic Warfare vs China: Adrian Zenz and Xinjiang Cotton Lies

Brian Berletic | The US has repeatedly demonstrated how far it will go to tell a lie to create a war situation. Here we are again.

De-Listed Anti-China Terror Group ‘Rises from the Dead’

Brian Berletic | As if by magic, the US de-listed a known Uyghur terrorist organization, paving the way for its legitimacy and financial support from the West.

AUKUS: One Step Closer Toward War with China

Brian Berletic | There is no doubt that the latest move, led by the US and Britain, is a signal to China that elevated tensions will be the new normal.

China’s Rise: From Humiliated Colony to Global Power

Brian Berletic | China has transformed from a developing nation to one rivalling the US – and now being poised to surpass the West as the dominant hegemon.

US ‘Airstrike Diplomacy’ Continues in Syria and Iraq

Brian Berletic | Washington is back to its old games again – trying to stir-up sectarian division in the Middle East and gradual stoke the flames of conflict with Iran.

Myanmar’s Conflict: America’s Proxy War with China

Brian Berletic | The regime change machine is back – this time they want to “Build Back Better” in Myanmar in order to thwart China’s Belt & Road.

The ‘3 Seas Initiative’ – The West’s Answer to China’s Belt and Road?

Brian Berletic | Washington is desperate to maintain its exclusive influence over European geopolitical, economic and energy policy.

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