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SUNDAY SCREENING: Congo: Jungle Fever (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Revealing the cultural richness, ecological diversity, and the relentless battle for resources against the backdrop of survival.

INTERVIEW: Yulia Berg – ‘Election Integrity in Russia, Africa & USA’

TNT Radio | Russia’s upcoming elections and the problem with electronic voting vs paper ballots.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘Africa: A Senegal Coup?’

TNT Radio | Senegal: Institutional coup or electoral imperialism?

A Multipolar Order: What the Non-Aligned Movement (Supported by Putin) Stands For

21WIRE | Highlights from the NAM Summit, January 15-20 in Uganda’s capital of Kampala.

BRICS, Africa Set to Boom As Musk Announces Starlink Expansion to Continent

21WIRE | Get ready for an economic revolution in Africa.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – ‘From Democracy to Monarchy’

TNT Radio | The ‘crisis of confidence’ in democracy: are the recent coup d’etats in Africa indicative of a new multipolar world order?

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘NATO Pushes Vaccines in Europe’

TNT Radio | NATO’s central role in the ‘plandemic’, and comments on the recent coup d’etat in Gabon.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘Africa Pushes Back Against Western Imperialism’

TNT Radio | Will Africa finally break free of Western imperialism?

AFRICOM: The Geopolitical Business of ‘Counter Insurgency’ in Sahel

Freddie Ponton | Has the US presence in Africa only brought increased terrorism and misery with it?

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘The Problem with US AFRICOM’

TNT Radio | The USA’s attempted militarisation of the African continent has been exposed as a massive misadventure.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘Niger: An African Spring?’

TNT Radio | The era of Western dominance in Africa may be coming to a close – as neocolonialism gets kicked to the curb.

INTERVIEW: Arnaud Develay – ‘Africa: Francophone Revolt?’

TNT Radio | What will become of the Francophone countries, where Western and Eurasian interests collide?

NIGER: ‘URANIUMGATE’ – The Futility of Fighting Corruption in Neocolonial Africa

Freddie Ponton | The deal involved a triangle of international companies – featuring the usual international network of graft and corruption.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘Niger Coup & Uranium Play’

TNT Radio | What are the real issues driving this geopolitical crisis?

INTERVIEW: Niall McCrae – ‘Globalist Designs on Africa, Ukraine & World’

TNT Radio | Why are the globalists are so interested in the Sahel region of Africa?

INTERVIEW: Alexey Malinin – Russia, Africa, BRICS & The Multipolar World

TNT Radio | How Russia is reorienting itself to compliment the emerging Multipolar World Order.

Second Russia-Africa Summit in St Petersburg – All Eyes On The Global South

Freddie Ponton | Make no mistake, this is a ground-breaking conference – with numerous deals already in the works.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘Why Russia and Africa Are Natural Partners’

TNT Radio | Putin and Russia are realising that Africa can be equal partners going forward in a multipolar world.

Putin Makes ‘Africa Sovereignty’ Pledge to Leaders

21WIRE | The Russian president has addressed the continent’s leaders on the eve of a major summit in St. Petersburg.

INTERVIEW: Jeremy Nell – ‘Lights Out in South Africa’

TNT Radio | Is Africa’s decentralised chaos a silver lining?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue