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SUNDAY SCREENING: “Why IS remains a threat?” (2023) DW

SUNDAY SCREENING : Filmmaker Kawa Akrawi’s immersive exploration delves into the heart of northeastern Syria’s “Rojava,” where the echoes of conflict linger amidst the struggle to prevent the resurgence of the Islamic State.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Road To Raqqa’ (2023)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Recounting some of the fierce battles for Raqqa’s suburbs against ISIS in Syria.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Fight Against Big Data & Surveillance (2019)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Understanding the key battlegrounds of internet privacy and the push for collective action to protect individual freedoms in the digital age.

SUNDAY SCREENING: “The Danger of AI / Margin of Error” (2023)

SUNDAY SCREENING | The Danger of AI / Margin of Error examines how a startup called Advanced Symbolics (ASI) uses AI and public social-media data to forecast voter behaviour.

SUNDAY SCREENING: The Assange Story (2024) | RT

SUNDAY SCREENING | Julian Assange faces extradition to the US, igniting a global debate over transparency and freedom of speech. What is the story behind Julian?

SUNDAY SCREENING: “Being Poor in the World’s Richest Country” (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Investigating the paradox of widespread poverty existing in one of the world’s richest countries.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines?’ (2023)

SUNDAY SCREENING | More than a year has passed since the covert operation to blow up the Nordstream pipeline.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Great Taking’ (2023)

SUNDAY SCREENING| Examines the issue of asset seizures – stocks, bonds, agriculture, and resources as collateral in a economic endgame.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Migrants and the Darién Gap (2023)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Hundreds of thousands attempt to traverse this dangerous region of jungle on their way to the United States.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘NITROGEN 2000 The Dutch Farmers’ Struggle’ (2023)

SUNDAY SCREENING| Small cattle farmers own 70% of Hollands argiculture and since 2019. The Dutch government under environment legisilation is pressured a buyout of more than half of them. Their plight has led to the Farmers Protest gaining momentum.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Palestine 1920’ (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | This stunning film from Al Jazeera Arabic looks at Palestine from a different angle.

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