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INTERVIEW: Gerard Filitti – ‘FISA Bill and Slide Towards Authoritarianism’

TNT Radio | Unpacking the constitutional issues surrounding the recent renewal of the highly-contested FISA Bill.

The Top US False-Flag Ops Against Iran Debunked

Robert Inlakesh | Are the recent allegations about Iranian aggression, conspiracy theories?

SYRIA: U.S clings to ‘regime change’ fantasy by occupying Syrian territory, threatening economic warfare

Peter Ford | The West’s fantasy of Syrian regime change has not gone away, the strategy has changed course.

‘How the West Eats Its Children’ – France Leads the Way in Challenging Financial Globalisation

Thierry Meyssan | The French have become the first Western population to take personal risks to oppose financial globalisation.

Nikki Haley, Favours War over Peace while Promoting the “Cause” of Al Qaeda in Syria

Eva Bartlett | It is time to liberate Idlib, by military or political means, and bring peace to Syria.

On Capitalism and Eternal War

Christopher Black | Once again the world is on the brink of war over the division of resources and markets.

SWEIDA: A Bloody Massacre Barely Registered by Western Media as ISIS Slaughter Innocent Civilians in their Sleep

Vanessa Beeley | One of the bloodiest massacres of an eight year war carried out by ISIS empowered by the US Coalition in Syria.

President Trump Exposes Truth of US Relationship with Saudi Arabia – Kevork Almassian Analysis

Kevork Almassian | Trump’s candour exposes the ugly truth about the relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Global Network for Syria Statement on Impending US, UK, French Military Intervention in Syria

Global Network for Syria | Any military intervention without a mandate from the United Nations would be illegal.

YEMEN: Latest U.K, U.S-Supported Massacre Committed by Saudi Coalition in Hodeida Port.

Mint Press | The genocide in Yemen led by the U.S, U.K-backed Saudi Coalition continues largely unreported in Western media.

SYRIA: The Terrorists and their Backers, Including U.K, U.S Media are “Loathsome, Uncultured and Malignant”

Marcus Papadopoulos + Syria Times | “Syrian soil will remain Syrian, not American or British”

SYRIA: A Story of Courage and Humanity Against All Odds

21WIRE | The extraordinary journey of a Syrian soldier towards recovery of his sight.

YEMEN: The State Sanctioned Mass Murder that Nobody Wants to Talk About

Vanessa Beeley | State sanctioned genocide in Yemen covered up by “humanitarian” platitudes.

Western Media Descends into Fundamentalism and Moral Degeneracy

Andre Vltchek | From now on, there will be no impunity for those who have been torturing the world for centuries.

Will Syria be the Battleground for All-Out War Between Russia and America?

Elijah Magnier | It is natural for the US to resist the loss of its unilateral dominant status.

SYRIA: Conversations with Camille Otrakji on Eastern Ghouta and the Future of the Region

Vanessa Beeley | Are we heading towards a military escalation between Russia and America with Syria as the battleground?

NATO Relocates Middle East Airbase from Turkey to Jordan

Andre Vltchek | The huge Incirlik NATO air force base is slowly moving from Turkey to Jordan.

“We Note Your Concerns” – ABC News Responds to Accusations of Misreporting Syrian Conflict

21WIRE + David Macilwain | ABC’s criminal misrepresentation of the Syrian conflict has prolonged the war.

The Western Left Fiddles While the World Burns

Andre Vltchek | The Western left has failed to honestly address global history.

Ken Roth the US Deep State Destablization Outreach Agent

21WIRE | Exposing Ken Roth, Soros and Saudi “double agent” in Syria.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue